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The Artworks around Caltanissetta


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Discover the Urban Art Routes - "Percorsi di Arte Urbana" 

by Creative Spaces

Discover Caltanissetta through its vibrant urban art with Percorsi di Arte Urbana by Creative Spaces. This innovative project brings together art, history, architecture, and literature, offering visitors a unique way to explore the city. As you wander through the streets, you’ll notice informative signals at key points of interest. These signs are equipped with QR codes—simply scan them with your smartphone to access detailed explanations about the site, as well as the option to download an audio guide for a more immersive experience. Explore Three Themed Routes


Food Route


Embark on a culinary journey, discovering the flavors and gastronomic traditions of Caltanissetta.

Key Locations:

Piazza Mercato Grazia

Strata a' foglia

Chiesa Santa Croce

Castello di Pietrarossa


Artistic Contribution: Patrizia Cataldo


Literature Route 

Uncover the rich literary heritage of the city, celebrating prominent local authors and the places that inspired them.

Key Locations:

Liceo Classico "R. Settimo" - Luigi Russo

Casa Leonardo Sciascia

Casa Pier Maria Rosso di San Secondo

Biblioteca Scarabelli

Chiesa di S. M. della Provvidenza – The Wedding of L. Sciascia

Artistic Contribution: Cristina Abbate


Architecture Route

Dive into the architectural treasures of Caltanissetta, from grand palazzos to historical buildings.

Key Locations:

Palazzo Testasecca

Palazzo Benintende

Palazzo Giordano

Palazzo Barile

Palazzo Sillitti-Bordonaro

Artistic Contribution: Mauro Fornasero



How it works

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As you walk through the city, you’ll encounter signs at various locations. By scanning the QR codes, you'll instantly access in-depth information about the artwork or site, including historical context, artist insights, and more. You can also choose to download the audio version, allowing you to listen to the explanations as you continue your journey.

Each route offers a unique glimpse into the soul of the city, combining history, art, and culture. Whether you're passionate about architecture, literature, or food, there's something for everyone.

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